How To Outsmart A Labour Government

Master Commercial Property for 6-Figure Gains

Paul Smith

Leveraging his exceptional property intuition, Paul has meticulously developed an extraordinary portfolio surpassing tens of millions, complemented by a plethora of property enterprises, including a flourishing Serviced Accommodation business. 

Testament to his unparalleled expertise, Paul has authoritatively penned The Serviced Accommodation Success Manual, a highly acclaimed Amazon bestseller. 

​His remarkable success led him to reside in the Tour Odeon in Monaco, featured in GQ Magazine as one of the "10 Coolest Things in the World" and home to "the world's most expensive apartment."


  • The deal structure we’re using that’s responsible for skyrocketing £700K to £7 Million in three short years
  • How to use F.R.I to pass responsibility for damage and repair of your property to your tenant
  • How 2 Touchstone students turned an abandoned ‘Engine Shed’ into a property worth £3.7m
  • Why Commercial Property grants immunity to rising fuel and energy bills
  • How 2 Touchstone students used bank finance and their pension to earn £1.3m investing in a forgotten hotel
  • How a Touchstone student fast-tracked herself out of a corporate job within 6 months using one Commercial property

...and much more!

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 Tuesday 29th August  – 8pm UK Time

See What Our Touchstone Family Says

"Paul and the team at Touchstone have had a positive impact on my life. I attended the online six figure summit webinar, the webinar gave so much content. I have not slept all weekend because I’m still trying to process it all. Although at this time I have not enrolled onto any other course. I will be in the near future."

-Michael Foran

"Paul is very knowledgeable clear when explaining things you can tell he really enjoys teaching."

-Kevin Kidman

"Paul and the gang have been so informative and inspiring. I’ve been following them since the end of 2022. I can’t wait to work closer with them in the coming year."

-Louise Fiddes

"What really attracted me to Touchstone was Paul Smith with the video clip of commercial conversion, and then working with Danny over the 2 days event with Danny calm and cool answering to my questions taking care of any doubts I was having clearly put Touchstone miles ahead of others in my view."

-Oyinkro Ngboufa

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